Tuesday, October 18, 2011

5 of the World's Healthiest Ethnic Foods

Did you know that the Japanese have the highest life expectancy in the world? While various factors contribute to such statistics, one can't help but overlook their diet. Particularly due to today's globalization phenomenon, various ethnic foods are more available than ever. Here are some of the world's healthiest ones:
1. Chinese Food.
Chinese food tends to be quite healthy, and includes loads of rice, noodles, and veggies, which are healthy. Due to the stir-fry or steamed cooking of many Chinese dishes, the vegetables aren't overcooked or drenched in oil-thus retaining more vitamins. When eating Chinese food, be cautious about sauces and salt/MSG. Basically, they can cancel out many of the health benefits that Chinese food tends to have.
2. Greek Food.
If you want to be healthy, then Greek food shouldn't be Greek to you. Some of the healthiest components of Greek food are leafy greens, olive oil, and legumes (beans). What makes these ingredients so healthy? Legumes, for example, are extremely high in fiber, and also are effective in preventing and treating heart disease. The key to eating the healthiest Greek dishes is to ensure that the ingredients are fresh and natural.
3. Indian Food.
The complex carbohydrates and spices contained in Indian food make it an extremely healthy choice. From beans to veggies, Indian food has many healthy ingredients that can help you to stay healthy and undo some of the damage that processed food has inflicted on your body. When ordering Indian food, be cautious about the amount of fat contained in foods such as veggie side dishes, and breads. Also, remember that "ghee" is actually a type of butter that's often included in Indian food.
4. Italian Food.
This is not only one of the most popular foods in the world, but can also be one of the healthiest ones as well. When ordering Italian food, avoid dishes that contain oily meats, heavy sauces, or fatty cheeses. Such dishes can really cause the calories and fat to add up. Instead, choose dishes with chicken or seafood, marinara sauce, and a sprinkling of low-fat cheeses. If you're going to eat Italian food with some majorly unhealthy ingredients, then only eat half a serving. One of the healthiest components of Italian food is the use of olive oil, which contains a healthy amount of monounsaturated fat, or "good" fat.
5. Thai Food.
Thai food has quickly become one of the most popular ethnic foods in the world. And not only that, but it's also one of the healthiest varieties as well! This is significantly due to the fresh spices and herbs contained in Thai food. These ingredients not only add flavor to Thai food, but also boost your immune system. For instance, lemongrass is an extremely healthy herb that's often contained in Thai cooking.
While the world is getting smaller, the number of ethnic foods available has exploded to epic proportions. These are some of the healthiest ones available, and can help you to live a long and healthy life-one meal at a time.

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